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NCRA NewsMail

31 January 2019

139 North Cray Road : New Planning Application 

This latest application from No. 139 is for the demolition of all existing buildings and the erection of six 4-bed detached dwellings with basements, associated parking and amenity space. 

These would impact on the openness of this prominent Green Belt site, which lies in open countryside and members are again asked for their support in opposing the scheme.

Previously in 2013, after being given permission for one house, the applicant quickly asked for another five. 

Disappointingly, in 2014 approval was given but this permission was not acted upon, and Planning renewed it last year. 

Immediately afterwards, a new application was made - for a housing estate of 67 houses! Over 173 objections were submitted, resulting in Planning's welcome executive decision to refuse planning permission (see NewsMail dated 11 January 2019)

Although inappropriate in Green Belt and Heritage Land, the six dwellings in the previously (2013/2014) approved application were single-storey and had strict Conditions preventing further development such as garages and outbuildings. 

Under the current application however, they will not be bungalows but large 4-bed houses with basements – with nothing to prevent future enlargement by the addition of garages, extensions and garden buildings that would further impact upon openness.

The reason is given in the applicants' Planning Design and Access Statement : six 4-bed family houses would have a much higher market value than six 2-bed/3-bed bungalows aimed at the elderly housing market. But at what cost to our environment?

Of particular concern is what the Site Plan reveals. The application site as a whole is very much larger than what is presented as the development site. Stables are to be removed and there is considerable scope for escalation into a much larger housing estate - one closer to the size of the recently refused application for 67 houses!

Many of the arguments against that development also apply to this new proposal:-

the development would be highly visible from the North Cray Road; and the internal road, its street lighting and the houses themselves would dominate the street scene and adversely affect the character of the area.

there would be an increase in traffic along the busy North Cray Road as the bus service runs only half-hourly, and the nearest railway stations are car-rides away; and there is no local infrastructure such as schools, doctor's surgery and a chemist.

there is no slip-way on the North Cray Road to provide safe access to and from the site for 12 cars plus service vehicles of all sizes.

increased traffic would result in more air pollution.

the location of the site has a history of flooding A copy of our letter objecting to the application to build 67 houses can be seen here. 

If you visit Bexley's website and enter the reference 18/03248/FUL into the search box, the plans can be viewed via the 'Documents' tab. The layout can be best seen on 'PA1 SITE PLAN SOUTHERN PART'.

Comments need to be submitted to by 18 February 2019 and Quoting the Reference 18/03248/FUL.

We suggest that a copy of any submission you make be copied to our councillors:-

It would also be helpful if a copy could be sent to us: