NCRA NewsMail

1 January 2018

NEWS FROM THE SECRETARY: The London Green Belt Council

Recently, the London Green Belt Council (LGBC), of which our Association is a member, told its member organisations that London's Green Belt was under greater threat than ever before, with the number of sites threatened with development having more than doubled since 2016.

It reminded us that under the current National Planning Policy Framework the Green Belt had five purposes, which are to:-

    - check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas

    - prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another

    - assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment

    - preserve the setting and special character of historic towns

    - assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and urban land

But the LGBC suggests that planning policy could offer so much more in respect of the Metropolitan Green Belt:-

    - a more positive role

    - improving the quality of life of Londoners etc.

    - improving the landscape

    - promoting as healthier lifestyle

    - providing fresh food for London

    - providing environmental benefits for London

    - improving and developing biodiversity

The LGBC's goal is the creation of a single designated planning authority for London's Green Belt - a London Green Belt (Park) Authority.

To read the LGBC's inspiring Paper, follow this Link.

To read the Green Belt Project for 2017 report, follow this Link.

Jean Gammons