NCRA NewsMail

5 February 2018

Help decide the infrastructure priorities in your area

The following News Release from London Borough of Bexley was received today :

From today (5 February), the Council is inviting local people to share their views on how to spend the Local Community Infrastructure Fund.

The fund is the local element of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), a charge developers pay to build in the borough. The Council must allocate 15% of the money raised towards improving infrastructure, such as schools and transport, which is needed to support new homes and businesses.

In comparison to other London boroughs, Bexley's CIL charges are relatively low because development is generally more profitable in other parts of London.

Charging came into effect in April 2015 and since then £1.6 million has been collected, currently leaving £240,000 to spend on infrastructure improvements that are needed in areas being developed.

The fund is split between areas in the borough depending on the level of development. It will only be spent in an area once an appropriate level of funding has been collected.

It is used to provide, improve, replace, operate or maintain infrastructure, or on anything else affected by development demands. It can also be used to contribute towards schemes or strategic projects, normally funded by the wider CIL fund, that clearly benefit neighbourhoods affected by development.

Cllr Linda Bailey, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth, said: 'We've already set out a list of suggested priorities, which include improving educational, sports, leisure and health facilities, enhancing open spaces, pavements and pathways, and improving public transport facilities and connections. But we really want to hear from our residents so that we can factor in what matters to them most, so please make sure you have your say.'

The survey, which is also available online, will be open until 5pm on Friday 2 March.

Alternatively residents can write to the Strategic Planning and Growth Team, London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT.

A copy of the consultation can be viewed during normal office hours at the Civic Offices or at Bexley libraries.

Responses will be used to inform how the Council prioritises the spending of its local CIL. Details of CIL collection and spend is reported in the CIL Annual Monitoring Report, which is on the Council website.

Further information about CIL can be found on Bexley;s website by following this Link