NCRA NewsMail

11 February 2018

Corsa parked at the bottom of Gattons Way

Thanks to Gail Moon for the following report :

There is a red Corsa parked at the bottom of Gattons Way. It used to belong to someone who has moved away some time ago (over a year) but I do not know who owns it now.

It hasn't moved in many months, but sometime this afternoon both number plates have been removed from it. I suppose the owner may have removed them but I would think it more likely that someone has stolen them to put on another vehicle with the intention of committing some kind of crime. I am afraid that I do not know what the number plate is other than it was an 02 registration.

I am not sure who I should report this to. Do you have an email address for our local police team or can you pass this message onto them, since in any event the vehicle should not be on a public road with no number plate?

NCRA has forwarded Gail's email to the local Safer Neighbourhood Team who have responded and confirmed that they will investigate.

To answer Gail's question, the Safer Neighbourhood Team can be contacted directly by telephone : 07843 291106 or by email :

If anyone is sure that a vehicle has been abandoned, then they can report it online to Bexley Council using the following link :