NCRA NewsMail

19 August 2018 

News from the Secretary - A further Deposit of the NCRA's records in Local Studies

Last week, in the company of Chris Moon, our Treasurer, I made a further Deposit of our records into the safekeeping of Bexley's Local Studies. These were: minutes of our Committee meetings from 3 August 2004 - 27 May 2014; minutes of our AGMs from 25 June 2002 - 1 July 2014 and copies of our Newsletters for most years from 2004-2013.

Disappointingly, I had no copies of the NCRA Newsletter earlier than that of Winter 1995, none for the years 1996-2003 and none for the years 2008-2009 and so this is to ask whether any members can help me to fill these gaps.

Whilst at Local Studies, Chris and I took the opportunity to look at the NCRA's deposited records from March 1944, the year when our association came into being. These early years of the life and times of North Cray people as recorded in our archives make interesting reading, and so Chris and I will be producing snippets of what they reveal in future NewsMails.

Jean Gammons