NCRA NewsMail

7 November 2018

Development planned for 139 North Cray Road - Bexley's Ref 18/02656OUTM

NCRA has received the following request from Ms. Helen Acton :

Dear North Cray Residents Association,

I have been receiving volumes of objection letters on this, which are being sent to my personal email address. If I am absent, then these emails just sit unattended awaiting my return. In fact the application will not be handled by me, but by a colleague.

It is preferable for your members to email directly to; 

With thanks,

Helen Acton

All members who have not yet sent a letter to Ms. Acton and wish to lodge their views on this application are asked to comply with Ms Acton's request and send their letter directly to Development Control.

Thank you

NCRA Committee