Page 23 - Sylvia Malt - Side by Side
P. 23

1918 - Operation Michael began on 21st March in the North-east France between Lens
        and  Le  Fere.  The  allies  made  significant  early  gains,  but  eventually  over  72,000  British
        troops were taken prisoner. (William Martin/William Darrington)

        Although the British Army was the most mechanised of all the armies in the Great War, it
        still relied largely on horse power for the transportation of supplies, guns, ammunition and
        men, particularly in the extremely muddy conditions. A driver in WW1 rode on team horses
        which  pulled  wagons, guns,  ambulances and  equipment. Each driver was responsible for
        his horses and he teamed up with two other drivers in order to pull the wagons. (Edward

        The First World War was extremely labour intensive - hundreds of miles of new trenches
        were continually being built, old ones repaired or maintained. As the horrendous conflict
        continued,  there  was  an  acute  shortage  of  manpower  to  do  this  hard  and  exhausting
        work.  Sir Douglas Haig requested an increase in the force of an additional 21,000 men and
        this demand was filled by importing men from China, India, South Africa, Egypt and other
        places within the British Empire were also called upon to supply manpower. By the war’s
        end a total of about 300,000 such workers had been engaged. It was thought that as many
        as  50,000  Chinese  workers  were  working  in  France,  rising  to  96,000  by  August  1918.

        By late September 1918, Marshal Foch had finalised his plans to deliver a succession of
        hammer blows on the Western Front and on 26th September he launched an attack in the
        Argonne  region of  eastern  France  involving  some  600,000  allied  troops,  5,000  guns  and
        around 500 tanks and 500 aircraft. (Captain North)

        War in the Air. The Royal Flying Corps was the  air-arm of the British Army during the
        First World War until it officially merged with the Royal Naval Air Service on 1st April 1918
        to form the Royal Air Force. During the early part of the war, the RFC supported the British
        Army by artillery co-operation and photographic reconnaissance.  The men were known as
        observers.  This work gradually led RFC pilots into aerial battles with German pilots, and
        later in the war, including the strafing of enemy infantry and emplacements, the bombing of
        German  military  airfields  and  later  the  strategic  bombing  of  German  industrial  and
        transportation facilities. (Thomas Humphrey)

        The  Russian  Revolution.   Following  the  dramatic  Bolshevist  Revolution  in  1917,
        Winston Churchill (Minister for Munitions in Lloyd George’s Government) decided to send
        several British battalions to Russia to support the “white” Russians (who were opposing
        the  “red”  Communist  Russians)  in  the  bitter  battle  for  the  soul  of  the  huge  Russian
        Continent. On the 18th July 1918, the 25th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, left the relative
        security and comfort of their Hong Kong barracks to embark on the ship “Ping Suie” and
        immediately set sail  for Russia. Some 16 days later, on 3rd August, after a largely trouble
        free  voyage,  they  landed  at  the  port  of  Vladivostok.  They  were  to  remain  in  Russia  for
        almost a year and travelled thousands of miles on the notorious Trans-Siberian Railway.
        (Henry Wells)

        Although the war officially ended on 11th November 1918, thousands of soldiers died after
        this date.  Men were scattered across the Globe and it would take many, many months for
        the authorities to stand-down and repatriate the vast numbers into civilian life.  By a cruel
        twist of fate, a pandemic flu outbreak occurred in 1918, when vast numbers of civilians and
        servicemen, whose resistance had been substantially lowered over the four long and hard
        years of warfare, succumbed to the deadly virus. (George Mepham)

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