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P. 17

                                                                                                August 2016
            TO: Germaine Asabere, Development Control, Bexley (DRAFT)

            Dear Ms. Asabere

            Ref  16/01466/FUL    48  Parsonage  Lane:  conversion  of  existing  dwelling  and  outbuilding,
            reconstruction of existing barn to provide special day school

            This  application  is  the  most  inappropriate  and  damaging  proposal  we  have  seen  in  relation  to
            Bexley's Green Belt.  It breaches the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and is simply an
            attempt to convert a residential dwelling set in several acres of Green Belt land into a commercial
            business - a private school. We cannot think of a worse location for a school, a site accessible only
            by narrow  country lanes virtually  without passing places, no pavements  and no off-site parking.
            The applicant's starting position that this is to be a small, low-impact development should be taken
            with a 'pinch of salt'.  In addition, the documents submitted are simplistic and inaccurate and appear
            to deliberately hide the true impact, size and scale of this potential development.

            The reasons for our objection to this application, and there are many, are fully detailed in the main
            body of this letter and the accompanying supporting notes.   However,  for immediate  clarity, we
            have prefaced this with a summary of the key issues which just in themselves should cause this
            application to be summarily refused.

            •  The property, 48 Parsonage Lane, is a residential dwelling in a high position centrally within the
                Green Belt/Heritage Land and has been so for over 50 years. It is not a ‘brownfield’ site.

            •  Change  of  use  of  this  site  to  a  high-impact  commercial  venture  breaches  NPPF  Green  Belt
                Guidance and would create a dangerous precedent for other sites along Parsonage Lane and the
                surrounding area – including other residential plots.

            •  The  school  will  have  a  devastating  effect  on  local  residents,  particularly  those  in  Parsonage
                Lane  but  also  those  in  Cocksure  Lane,  Bunkers  Hill  and  Gattons  Way  who  will  suffer
                significant  increases  in  traffic  flows,  noise  pollution  and,  potentially,  their  property  values
                decreasing as this quiet semi-rural idyll is destroyed.

            •  There  are  no  existing  out-buildings  that  can  realistically  be  used  for  school  premises  so
                everything will be ‘new builds’ – again breaching NPPF Green Belt Guidelines.  Moreover the
                amount of premises required is ridiculously understated.

            •  There is no local need for such a business – indeed the supporting documentation suggests that
                most of the children will be from outside Bexley Borough. It is purely an opportunistic ‘for-
                profit’ business venture by people outside the local area with no interest in the local community
                or any concern for the devastation it would cause to local people and other users of these lanes.
                There are, therefore, no Special Circumstances that support this application

            •  The locality of the site is totally inappropriate for a school as it does not have the necessary road
                and transport infrastructure and child security is virtually impossible.

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