Page 30 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 30


                   •  The deciding factor should be Bexley's Policy CS17 against harmful backland
                      development, not recent govt. pressure to increase housing supply

                   •   The proposed development is also contrary to Policies UDP H3, H5, H8 and CS06

                   •  There is no perceived change in planning law to contradict Planning's views in 1967,
                      1973 and 1984; nor those of two Planning Inspectors.

                   •  The application site might be surrounded on all sides by houses, but it is, nonetheless,
                      garden land

                   •  The garden's use as a backland development for houses and a new road will have a
                      harmful impact: loss of amenity and privacy, more noise and disturbance, light
                      pollution and less security.

                   •   The proposed development will change the character of the area, one which adjoins a
                            Conservation Area

                   •  What was wrong for Wansunt Road in 2012 is even more wrong for St James Way
                       because of the greater impact on people's amenities etc.

                   •  There will be a significant loss of mature trees; and a real threat to the Cedars
                      protected by TPOs – both of them from root damage, and one from brutal pruning

                   •  Whether or not Listed Building Consent has been granted in respect of the old wall
                           is unclear

                   •  There will be a harmful impact on wildlife, eg badgers which are a protected species

                   •   The development would not make a significant contribution to Bexley's housing
                            supply – one already made by North Cray in recent years

                   •    The plans present an unrealistic picture of the true nature and size of site.

                   •    A Site Visit before any decision is made is strongly recommended,

               Yours sincerely

               Jean Gammons


               A- Precedents for refusal
               B- Residents' concerns
               C- Plans of Wansunt Road & St James Way                                                    /APPX A
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