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P. 26

25 April 2016

        To NCRA Members :
        On 14th April we issued a GroupMail with an early draft of our letter of Objection to the proposed housing
        development on garden land at the rear of 20-28 St James Way.

        We have now submitted  our  finalised  letter  to Development  Control  and  you  may  read  this  by  selecting  the
        following link :

                                               Finalised Letter of Objection .

        As we said before, even if you are not directly affected by the proposals, you may like to lend your support to your
        fellow members who are.

        Please do this by sending your comments

        By email to:

        By Post to: Mrs Helen Acton,
        Environment & Wellbeing,
        Civic Offices,
        2 Watling Street,
        Bexleyheath DA6 7AT

        And by copying your letter, please, to:-
        Councillor Don Massey

        and to

        The NCRA Committee

        Although the deadline for comments is 28 April 2016, we have been assured by the case officer that submissions
        will be accepted after this date provided they arrive before a decision has been made.

        Contact :           Website :

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