Page 143 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 143


            “...The Committee...considered at length whether there were 'very special circumstances' to
            justify the proposal at this location in the Green Belt, but considered those referred to were
            not sufficient...

            RESOLVED: That in respect of Application No. 13/0205/FUL for the use of the land for
            residential purposes for the formation of a single gypsy pitch comprising one static
            caravan/mobile home, one touring caravan, and an ancillary utility/dayroom at the site
            known as Little Acre Farm, Bunkers Hill, Sidcup, the Council would have been minded to
            refuse planning permission for the following reason:

            The proposal constitutes inappropriate development in the green belt and would also harm
            the quality and character of heritage land.  This would be contrary to the National Planning
            Policy Framework, the Government's 'Planning policy for traveller sites', and Core Strategy
            Policies CS01, CS11 and CS17. No very special circumstances have been shown to exist
            sufficient to justify approval.”


            APPEAL REF: APP/D5120/A/14/2224002    Little Acre Stud Farm, Bunkers Hill

            You should have a copy of our letter dated 13 January 2014 addressed to the Head of
            Development Control, Bexley, in which we registered our strong objection to the application
            to establish a Private Gypsy Site at Little Acre; together with copies of  the spoken appeals
            to Bexley's Planning Committee on 25 September made by me and a committee colleague
            (Michael Heath).

            I would also like the Inspector to please take particular account of the following:-

            1.  In our view, this application by Mr Button should be considered in conjunction with the
            separate application from a Ms Bothwell dating from March 2014 in respect of  the
            adjoining site, Little Haven Stud Farm. This also seeks to establish a Private Gypsy Site.  A
            decision by Bexley is awaited, but whatever the Inspector decides for Little Acre is sure to
            be applied to Little Haven.

            Note: Until 2004  Little Acre and Little Haven formed one site (in that year, the part now
            known as Little Haven was purchased by Ms Bothwell).

            2. In 2004, (before part of Little Acre was sold to Ms Bothwell)  it was subject to an
            Enforcement Order against the then owner, Mr Button, regarding the unauthorised
            stationing there of a mobile home etc.  The Appeal was decided at an Inquiry in 2005 –
            Appeal ref: APP/D5120/C/04/1147311.  Mr Button's wish to pursue a gypsy life style was
            fully considered, but the Inspector's ruling was that there were no very exceptional
            circumstances that outweighed Bexley's argument that the development was inappropriate
            and harmful to the Green Belt.
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