Page 142 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 142

Some of you may have written directly to the Inspectorate before the submission cut-off date in  early
        November 2014.   However, we urgently need your help in creating a groundswell of local resident
        opinion objecting to any consideration being given for the granting approval of any application for a
        private gypsy site in North Cray.  Could you please, therefore, email the Head of Planning Control,
        Ms Susan Clark,  and copy-in Councillor Donald Massey,   (who will be speaking on our, and local residents’, behalf at
        the  Public Hearing) and the NCRA at .  The wording below is
        all you need to say – using the heading reference  Public Enquiry - Little Acre Stud Farm, Bunkers
        Hill, North Cray

        “ I strongly object to any consideration being given for a private gypsy site to be established within
        North Cray’s Green Belt and I support the North Cray Residents Association’s objection to this
        planning application. “

        Thanks for your help


        North Cray Residents Association
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