Page 138 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 138

Date: 16 January 2015 at 12:06

        Dear Member

        This is to update you about the course of the Inquiry held over the past two days - but which will have to be
        re-convened in order for the Appellant's case to be presented to the Inspector (Bexley's presentation was not
        concluded until late on the second day).  It is anticipated that another two days will be needed to complete
        the Inquiry, date/s yet to be fixed (possibly around 9 March or 20 April).

        Meanwhile, I take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to our Chairman's appeal for support
        (around 50 members emailed in, plus the Coldblow Residents Association); those who kindly sent their good
        wishes to me beforehand and to the members, and members of our committee, who attended the Inquiry  to
        further demonstrate to the Inspector by their presence the strength of local feeling about this issue. A special
        thank you, too, to Sylvia Malt of the The Bexley Civic Society and Cllr. Don Massey, both of whom
        attended in order to address the Inspector in our support.  And a very special thank you to our MP, James
        Brokenshire, who wrote to the Planning Inspectorate on 9 January to re-affirm his support of local people in
        their opposition to the Little Acre application.

        A copy of Mr Brokenshire's letter, together with a copy of my Address to the Inspector, is attached.

        I will continue to keep you informed.

        Jean Gammons

        Secretary of the North Cray Residents Associatio
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