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               TO:  Head of Development Control                                                  DATE: 21 February 2016

               FROM: Jean Gammons, Secretary

               16/00089/FUL Orchard View Farm 63 Parsonage Lane : erection of three dwellings

               This is to register our very strong OBJECTION to this renewed application to redevelop this
               site for housing, a site which forms part of the Cray Valley Green Belt and Heritage Land.

               1. Our arguments in support of our previous objections remain (please see letters dated 28
               January 2015 (15/00015/FUL); and  7 July 2015 (15/01453/FUL).

               2. To very briefly summarise the arguments set out in our previous letters:-

               - it would be an inappropriate development, one that would significantly alter the character of
                 this area

               - it falls outside the exception set out in para 89 of the NPPF since the proposed residential
                 dwellings would not be in the same use as the buildings they would replace

               - it falls outside Policy ENV2 which states a strong presumption against the construction of
                 new buildings in the Green Belt other than the replacement of existing dwellings.

               - the government was clear in its press release of October 2014 that protecting the Green Belt
                 from urban sprawl must be paramount.

               - allowing the development would set a serious precedent for other owners of large  areas of
                 Green Belt land nearby.

               3. Our reasons for objecting to the current proposal are taken in turn below.

               a) Planning Inspector's view:-

               i   The revised application before you now does not, as is claimed,  resolve the reasons given
               by the Planning Inspector for dismissing the applicant's appeal against refusal of planning
               permission for three houses in 2015 (Appeal ref APP/D5120/W/15/3033665).    The height of
               the dwellings now proposed is lower; but the key point is the one she makes in her para 14, ie
               that the development “would result in a more suburban character and appearance of the site,
               which would not...relate to the existing semi-rural character and appearance of the
               surrounding area”.  She points out that this would conflict with the National Planning Policy
               Framework as well as Policies CS01, CS06 and CS17 of the Core Strategy and Policies
               ENV4. ENV22 and ENV 39 of the UDP.   See also (e) below.
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