Page 39 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 39

Concern expressed by residents  Please see the Appx to this letter, which lists some of the
               concerns expressed directly to this Association by local residents. Following these emails,
               they called a public meeting – one attended by upwards of 35 people. Such is the strength of
               feeling against this proposed housing development on the part of local residents.


                   •  The application site is not previously developed land.

                   •  An under-used, neglected garden with an area of hard-standing does not a
                      “brownfield” site make!

                   •  This land might be surrounded on all sides by houses, but it is, nonetheless, garden

                   •   There is no perceived change in planning law to contradict Planning's views in 1967,
                      1973 and 1984; nor those of two Planning Inspectors. On the contrary, Bexley has
                      since produced Policy CS17, which promises that harmful backland development will
                      be resisted.

                   •  The garden's use as a backland development for houses with a new road will have a
                      harmful impact: loss of amenity and privacy, more noise and disturbance, light
                      pollution and less security.

                   •   The proposed development will change the character of the area, one which adjoins a
                            Conservation Area

                   •  There will be a significant loss of mature trees; and a real threat to the Cedars
                      protected by TPOs – both of them from root damage, and one from brutal pruning

                   •  There will be a harmful impact on wildlife, eg badgers which are a protected species

                   •   The development will make an insignificant contribution to Bexley's housing supply

                   •    The plans present an unrealistic picture of the true nature and size of site.

                   •    A Site Visit before any decision is made is strongly recommended,

               Yours sincerely

               Jean Gammons

                                                                                                                                            /APPX A
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