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19 February 2016
        Dear member

        We are sorry to have to come to you again so soon for your support, but this planning application for a housing
        development at Orchard View Farm in upper Parsonage Lane is as worrying as the one from Manor Freehold Farm
        (see previous GroupMail).
        The proposal for Orchard View Farm is particularly worrying as the requested development would significantly
        change the character of this semi-rural area - the site lying as it does on a bridle path leading to Chalk Wood and
        Joydens Wood, one used by horse riders and walkers. And it is Green Belt and Heritage Land.

        Local services such as water pressure, drainage etc are already stretched - and the development is likely to make
        life even more difficult for people living in Parsonage Lane, who are already facing repeated water leaks and road
        closures due to the iinability of the mains to cope with the present level of traffic.

        Our letter of objection letter can be viewed here. The letter is available to members only and you will need the
        standard password to view it.

        If you are willing to support us by also emailing Planning, perhaps our letter might help you to compose yours.

        The Case Officer is: Mrs Helen Action
        Email address:

        It would also be helpful to copy your email to our Councillor: Cllr Don Massey

        Email address:
        The deadline for comments is: 2March 2016

        Contact :           Website :

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