Page 42 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 42

•  The development site is located within an especially nice area in which to live,
                    and it adjoins a Conservation Area (High Beeches). What is being planned
                    would be an intrusion of this area and have a damaging effect its character.
                    This was recognised by Planning and the Planning Inspector on the previous
                    occasions when plans to build houses on the garden land at the rear of No. 22
                    St James Way were under consideration. What is different today?

                •  In the case of the previous attempts in 1973 and 1984 to build houses on the
                    garden land behind 22 St James Way especial concern was expressed by
                    Planning over the damaging effect building foundations would have on the far-
                    spreading roots of the centuries-old Cedar tree in the garden of No. 22 – a tree
                    which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).   This tree is a much
                    loved feature of this area and one which is also important in the history of
                    North Cray.  It was planted by the famous landscape gardener Lancelot
                    'Capability' Brown when he was landscaping the parkland of North Cray Place
                    in c1782 (now Footscray Meadows). What is different today as regards the
                    damaging effect the building of houses and their foundations etc would have
                    on this tree?  We do not find the applicant's lengthy “Arboricultural Survey”
                    report convincing as there is no mention of this historic tree's roots – a factor
                    which clearly caused concern to to Planning and Planning Inspectors on
                    previous occasions.   Of serious concern, too, is the proposal (clearly indicated
                    on the plans for the site) to brutally prune back this tree for the sake of the
                    proposed new houses.
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