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P. 62


            As mentioned above, the proposed new ward would incorporate two ancient parishes:  St James (in
            North Cray) and St Mary's (in Bexley).  The ward we are proposing is largely based upon these two
            adjoining parishes.

            Shared Interests

            Both North Cray and Bexley have residential areas which are suburban in character, although the
            character  of  North  Cray  is  mostly  one  of  open  spaces  and  semi-rural  in  nature.    However,  both
            communities are ones where the residents are predominantly owner occupiers, i.e. people with a
            stake in ensuring that their community remains largely residential, unspoilt by inappropriate and
            intensive development, where their open spaces and Green Belt land are protected and where their
            ‘built-heritage’  is  similarly  protected  and  preserved.  Many  of  our  members  are  also  members  of
            Friends of Foots Cray Meadows, an activity-driven local society dedicated to the protection of the
            biodiversity features of the Meadows.

            Local Consultation

            Through the medium of our website, and our new GroupMail service to all those who have so far
            signed up to it (over 60%), we have outlined our proposal for the new ward to our members. Their
            response has been overwhelmingly positive.

            The Electoral Position

            We  understand  that  the  electoral  figure  for  the  proposed  new  ward  comes  to  around  8,500,
            providing an electoral balance and coming close to the average of two councillors of 8,408.

            We do hope you will take our views into full consideration.

            Yours sincerely,

            David H Cook

            D H Cook
            Chairman, North Cray Residents Association

            Copies To:
            James Brokenshire, MP for Old Bexley & Sidcup
            Cllr. Donald Massey (Cray Meadows Ward)
            Friends of Foots Cray Meadows
            Coldblow Residents Association
            Bexley Civic Society
            Development Control, Bexley

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