Page 59 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 59

            Mr David Owen
            Review Officer
            14  Floor Millbank Tower
            London, SW1P 4QP

            9 November 2015

            Dear Mr Owen


            This is in response to your invitation to us to submit our views on future ward boundaries for the
            borough, in particular for the ward in which we are currently located, i.e. Cray Meadows.

            ABOUT US

            Our Association was founded 71 years ago and our Constitution sets out our Aims and Objectives.
            These include two that are key to this exercise:-

            1.  To  promote  and  further  the  preservation  of  the  local  environment  as  a  residential  area,  the
                protection of the Green Belt and the improvement of local amenities in North Cray;  and

            2.  To co-operate with any other Association, Federation or Council having similar objectives, with
                a  view  to  ensuring  unity  of  action  on  matters  affecting  members  generally  to  their  mutual

            Our Association  represents  some  400  households  (800+  people),  making  our  membership  level
            approx. 75%, and rising, of the residents of North Cray.  Please see attached map at A.

            Our website  explains more about what we do and the nature of our
            members' concerns and interests.

            OUR AIM

            Our considered view is that our part of the current Cray Meadows Ward should become part of  a
            new reshaped ward, one that through its western boundary would encompass the whole of Foots
            Cray Meadows and the remaining area east of the River Cray down to Foots Cray Bridge; then run
            eastward along the Maidstone Road on its northern side; then run northwards taking in our Green
            Belt and Heritage Land; then run westwards to include Coldblow and Bexley Village east of the
            River Shuttle; and then turn southwards again towards the River Cray, taking in Bexley Woods.

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