Page 67 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 67

8 November 2015

        To NCRA Members :

        A number of members have asked for further information on the recent burglaries, in particular the level of
        security at the two houses that were robbed.

        The house in St James had several cars on the drive and an alarm that unfortunately did not go off.  It is
        now being checked to see if it is faulty or if it was disabled.   The thieves gained access by completely
        removing a window and frame at the front of the house.

        The house in the Grove did not have an alarm and did not have a car parked on the drive as they were all
        out at the time.   They are now getting an alarm and CCTV fitted and updating their double glazing as it
        was quite old.

        We will pass this information on to Bexley Neighbourhood Watch.

        Contact :           Website :

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