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P. 79

12 October 2015

        To NCRA Members :

                                Message received from Bexley Neighbourhood Watch

        We have had reports of a group of men posing as working in the building trade, cold-calling at
        properties telling the resident that they have a problem with their roof. They are trading under the
        name of 'Premier Roofing Services' in an 'Ava Rental' white van. This vehicle may be subject to
        change of course. There can be as many as 5 workers attending.
        They are trying to get the elderly and vulnerable to part with their money by suggesting that if the
        work is not undertaken then water may flood into their house.

        They charge enormous amounts of money and even take the resident to their bank to get them to
        withdraw the funds for the work.
        PLEASE DO NOT BE TAKEN IN BY THIS. In the past these criminals have even thrown water over
        the front door or windows stating that the resident must have therefore have a problem.
        Please make all your family, friends and neighbours aware of the above especially if you thank
        that they could be vulnerable to this type of crime.
        Please remember to report all suspicions to the police on 101 or, in an emergency, 999.

        Contact :           Website :

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