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P. 137

Date 28 January 2015

        Dear member

        Proposed housing development at Orchard View Farm, 63 Parsonage Lane

        We are sorry to have to trouble you with a further appeal for your support so soon after our recent one about
        the proposed Private Gypsy Pitch at Little Acre, Bunkers Hill.

        This one is very worrying, too, because it represents yet another threat to North Cray's precious Green Belt
        and Heritage Land.

        It concerns an application to build three houses at Orchard View Farm in upper Parsonage Lane - a
        development that would change the very special character of this still rural area - one valued not only by
        local people but by those who visit it for leisure pursuits such as rambling and horse riding, leading as it
        does to Joydens Wood. Attached is a link to Google Street View that illustrates what we mean.


        Full details of the application (Ref 15/00015/FUL) can be viewed on Bexley's web site under

        There is another worry, too. If this one is given planning permission it will open the door to similar
        developments in the vicinity, for example on the Green Belt and Heritage Land adjoining Orchard View; at
        Manor Farm, which borders the North Cray Road and Parsonage Lane; and the land owned by the North
        Cray Riding School in Parsonage Lane.

        We attach our letter of Objection in the hope that you will indicate your support by Emailing the Head of
        Development Control (, copying in Councillor Don Massey
        ( and ourselves (

        You may wish to express your views in your own words, or simply say that you support the
        NCRA's objection to this application as set out in its letter of objection.  The closing date for objecting
        is13th February 2015. given-Jean]
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