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15 February 2016

        To NCRA Members :

                       PLANNING REF: 16/00290/FUL MANOR FREEHOLD FARM, 67 PARSONAGE LANE:
                                         REPLACEMENT OF BUILDING BY HOUSES

        We hope very much that you will be able to support the Association by sending your comments to Planning on the
        above application, which seeks to replace an existing building containing work units at Manor Freehold Farm in
        upper Parsonage Lane by houses.

        Below are links to the NCRA letter of Objection to Planning, together with photographs of the present view from
        Chalk Wood and an aerial view of the site. The letter is confidential to members only and you will need the
        standard members password to access this. If you are willing to support us by also emailing Planning, perhaps our
        letter might help you to compose yours.

        It would seriously harm the rural character of this part of Parsonage Lane if a housing development were to be
        allowed. Worse, any breach of what is supposed to protect our precious Green Belt and Heritage Land is very likely
        to set a precedent for other such sites in North Cray. And, as we have said so often before, once it is lost it will be
        lost for ever.

        Your comments should be addressed to the Case Officer, Mrs Helen Acton. Her email address
        It would also be helpful if you were to copy your email to Cllr Don Massey. His email address
        The deadline for comments is: 2 March 2016

        NCRA Objection Letter
        Manor Freehold Farm Aerial View
        View From Chalk Woods 1
        View From Chalk Woods 2


        Contact :           Website :

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