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P. 45

               TO: Mrs Susan Clark, Head of Development Control, Bexley   DATE:     February 2016

               FROM: Jean Gammons, Secretary

               Ref 16/00209/FUL The Cottage Homewood Stud Farm 89 North Cray Road- conversion
               of outbuilding to a triple garage.

               1. First, I would like to say something about the site as a whole (sometimes referred to on
               your website as Homewood Stud Farm 89 North Cray Road or even “Land opposite the Scout
               Hall on the east side of the North Cray Road”; or as “The Lodge”, and now as “The

               Until c1995, when this Green Belt and Heritage Land was purchased by the Reader family
               from Goldsmoth's College, this was still a large, open site with virtually no development in
               the form of buildings, nor buildings with residential status.

               Since then a great deal of development has been allowed to take place - some authorised but
               often achieving this status only after the issue of a Lawful Development Certificate, made
               necessary because of a failure to monitor the site and take timely Enforcement action.

               Attached is an aerial map and a summary of this development (Appx B).

               2. Turning to the specific application currently before you, we OBJECT to this further
               development for the following reasons:-

               - the building and its use has a history of unauthorised activity – made Lawful only after a
                 period of years without Enforcement action being taken.

               - what was originally built as an isolation stables unit already has double-garage.  We see no
                 justification for adding to the already heavy development on this site by allowing this to be
                  replaced by a triple-garage.

               - we regard any further development on this site as inappropriate, with no very special
                 circumstances.  Especially anything that further diminishes 'openness', such as the proposed
                 triple-garage would do.

               -  in view of the past use of this part of the site (car dealership and storage of cars), we can
                  envisage this leading, if granted, to an application for even more garage accomodation.

               Enough is enough!  And so we hope very much that you will reject this latest application from
               89 North Cray Road.

               Yours sincerely
               Jean Gammons
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