Page 46 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 46

Appx B


               1992  Building of a 4-bed detached house, with detached double garage. Ref 92/01371/FUL
                         NB  A Condition of consent was that the dwelling should be limited to someone
                         employed in the Stud Farm.  This was breached when the house was rented out to
                         someone with no business connection with the Stud Farm. See also below
                         See A on attached aerial map

               2002 Certificate of Lawfulness granted for retention of a single family dwelling house
                        without compying with an occupancy condition  Ref 03/03320/LDCE
                         This was a result of no monitoring or timely Enforcement action having been taken

               2002  Conversion of roof space in stables to form a 2 bed self-contained flat 02/02112/FUL
                          Note: a contemporary Inspector's report (APP/D5120/C/06/2027399) indicated that
                           this was the fourth unit of accommodation on the site
                          See B on map

               2003   Certificate of Lawfulness granted for use of detached garage as a single family
                          dwelling house (“ground floor converted in 1998”)  Ref 03/03454/LDCE
                          Again, made necessary by a lack of monitoring and timely Enforcement action.
                          See C on map

               2004   Erection of an isolation stable block with vet's room; plan revised in 2006
                          Ref 04/03794/FUL
                          This is the building now referred to as The Cottage, see also 2014 below
                          See D on map

               2007   Demolition of grooms quarters and hay barn, erection of new single-storey 2-bed
                          dwelling including conversion of existing stable to form part of dwelling
                          Ref 07/09528/FUL
                          See E on map

               2014   The Cottage: Certificate of Lawfulness granted for residential use of the isolation unit
                           and retention of an outbuilding for use as a garage etc.  Ref 14/02025/LDCE
                           Again, made necessary by a lack of monitoring and timely Enforcement action.
                           NB It was here that for some time, and unchallenged, this part of the site was used a
                            used car dealership.
                           See D and F on map

               2014     In 2014 the NCRA was informed that a building in the garden of the dwelling at C
                            (see 2003 above) was being used as a residence. This was reported to Planning; but
                            the outcome is unknown and there is no evidence of any Enforcement action having
                            been taken
                            See H on map
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