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               TO: Mrs Helen Acton, Development Control

               FROM: Mrs Jean Gammons, Secretary                                        DATE:  16 February 2016

               Dear Mrs Acton

               Ref  16/00290/FUL Manor Freehold Farm 67 Parsonage Lane Sidcup

               This is to register our strong Objection to the application to convert the building currently
               housing B1 units A-D to one forming two houses.

               In summary, our Objection is based on:-

               - the character of the site's setting

               - its status as Green Belt & Heritage Land

               - non-precedent at 65 Parsonage Lane

               - impact as regards vehicular traffic and other factors

               - the toxicity of the site

               I will take each of these points in turn.

               1. The character of the site's setting. The specific application site (appx 0.3ha) is only part
               of a much larger area of what is currently agricultural land.  Contrary to what is claimed in the
               application document, the existing building can be seen from a public place, ie from Chalk
               Wood (please see attached photos).  Chalk Wood is a place enjoyed by the people of Bexley
               and from further afield for the popular leisure pursuits of walking and riding, as is highlighted
               on  Bexley's  own  website  (Leisure/Parks  &  Open  Spaces).    Although  in  some  sense  the
               existing low-level building can be regarded as a blot on the landscape, it is of a type that one
               expects to see on agricultural land. Its conversion to create two houses would be far worse: a
               suburban development, and not what anyone would wish to see when looking across the open,
               green landscape from Chalk Wood.   See aso 2 below.

               2. Its status  The application site is in Green Belt & Heritage Land forming an important part
               of    the  Cray  Valley  Heritage  Land.    The  environmental  importance  of  such  land  was
               confirmed as recently as October 2015 by the planning inspector when considering a similar
               application for a replacement of work units by houses at the neighbouring Orchard View Farm
               (Appeal ref APP/D5120/W/15/3033665, Bexley's ref: 15/00015/FUL).

               His arguments in support of his opinion that such a development was an inappropriate one in
               Green Belt land is set out in his paras. 4-9, and in his paras 10-11 when he recognised the
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