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23 December 2015

        To NCRA Members :

        Thanks to Patricia H who sent the following alert :
         I had a phone call from a well spoken English lady today saying she was from Thames Water. They had
        found a leak in the main pipes in our road and wanted to arrange an appointment to fix it. She had done
        the same with my neighbours. She didn't have the correct name nor the correct postal code.
        There and then I accused her of a scam, she asked me to phone her back on a certain number, which I
        refused to do, as this is a scammers tactic. She got so irate with me she put me on hold, I put down the
        land line phone cutting her off.
        I phoned Thames water on my mobile and reported the scam, they said there is no planned work but just in
        case if any engineers arrive to make sure they have correct security passes and for us to phone and check
        their details.
        Please spread the word, it is an easy one to fall for.   NB Thames Water has No fraud department.

        Contact :           Website :

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