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Orchard View Farm: application 15/01453/FUL : annex to letter of objection

            1.1 Bexley's  Core Strategy

            Policy CS01 Achieving sustainable development (page 19).  Here, one sub-para is relevant:-

            g) protecting designated areas, such as metropolitan green belt, from inappropriate
            development so as to preserve, enhance and promote Bexley's network of open spaces and
            waterways, heritage, biodiversity and geological assets

            Policy CS06 Sidcup geographic region (page 51)

            e) ensuring that Conservation Areas and other areas of particularly strong character or
            historical value are protected or enhanced, while ensuring that the areas that are
            characterised by mainly semi-detached and detached family housing are retained and, where
            possible, improved, including the surrounding environment, and that new development is in
            keeping with the character of these areas.

            Policy CS09 Using Bexley's resources sustainably  (pages 64-65)

            a) protecting, enhancing and promoting green infrastructure, including making the borough's
            parks, open spaces, waterways and recreational facilities an integral part of encouraging
            healthy lifestyles.

            Its justification (4.3.7) reads: The Council is committed to the provision of diverse leisure
            opportunities and to the enhancement of, and access to, Bexley's open spaces and
            waterways, including through the implementation of the above documents....

            Policy CS17 Green infrastructure  (page 85)

            Bexley's green infrastructure...will be protected, enhanced and promoted as valuable
            resources. In particular, this will be achieved by:

            a) protecting metropolitan green belt and metropolitan open land from inappropriate

            c) resisting harmful backland development.

            Its justification reads:

            4.8.4 The Core Strategy seeks to contain development to previously developed land (Map
            4.7) ....and to ensure that Bexley remains a 'green' borough...and providing attractive relief
            to the built form.

            4.8.5 The areas designated as metropolitan green belt and metropolitan open land play a
            variety of important functions in Bexley.  Inappropriate development, as defined by central
            government guidance, will be resisted...

            4.8.10 ...Back land areas in the borough include gardens and incidental open space. They
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