Page 102 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 102

5. We are, therefore, now looking at a potential multi-property residential development at Orchard
        View Farm of at least four new houses.  The positioning of the three houses,  and the one currently
        being pursued by the applicant, is obviously a starter for significant residential development –
        totally at odds with Green Belt guidelines and the environment in which the proposed developments
        are sited.  This would have a significant and adverse effect not only upon openness but on the
        character and amenities of this part of our Green Belt and Heritage Land.  There remains our
        concern expressed in our letter of  28 January 2015 (ref 15/00015/FUL) that the applicant possibly
        (as in the example set by 139 North Cray Road, when permission for two houses led to the approval
        of another four) intends her current applications to be part of a step-by-step strategy to build even
        more houses on her land- there certainly does seem to be sufficient land for this.  All this – even if it
        remained at four new houses - would represent new residential development in upper Parsonage
        Lane of an unacceptable level, and set a dangerous precedent for similar sites in North Cray.

        6. As well as the reasons given above for our concern about this application, and the applicant's
        previous one, which opens the door to other development, there is also the additional concern of
        local residents about the current under capacity in Parsonage Lane for essential services, sewers that
        block regularly, low water pressure, overhead power cables and slow broadband.

        NB Whilst I am writing this letter, the lane outside my house is flooded yet again, and, like me,
        several of my neighbours are suffering from low water pressure, or have no water at all.  This
        confirms that the pipes running under the road are being damaged by the number of heavy lorries
        etc coming and going from the top end of  Parsonage Lane- and that the Lane just cannot take any
        further development of the kind being sought by  Orchard View Farm.  These frequent fractures are
        occuring all along Parsonage Lane because our road was never built for heavy vehicular use. I
        spoke to the Thames Water man attending on site this morning, and he expressed the same view
        without any prompting from me.

        We ask you, for all the reasons we have given above, to please reject this application.

        Yours sincerely

        Jean Gammons
         ANNEX to letter of objection re 15/01453/FUL Orchard View Farm


        Policy CS01 Achieving sustainable development (page 19).  Here, one sub-para is relevant:-

        g) protecting designated areas, such as metropolitan green belt, from inappropriate development so
        as to preserve, enhance and promote Bexley's network of open spaces and waterways, heritage,
        biodiversity and geological assets

        Policy CS06 Sidcup geographic region (page 51)

        e) ensuring that Conservation Areas and other areas of particularly strong character or historical
        value are protected or enhanced, while ensuring that the areas that are characterised by mainly semi-
        detached and detached family housing are retained and, where possible, improved, including the
        surrounding environment, and that new development is in keeping with the character of these areas.

        Policy CS09 Using Bexley's resources sustainably  (pages 64-65)
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