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should normally be excluded from development where developments result in harm to
            amenity and biodiversity...

            Policy CS19 Heritage and archaeology  (page 94)

            The Council will manage its heritage and archaeological assets...This will enhance the local
            sense of place...including promoting the visitor economy. This will be achieved by:

            b) reviewing the status of existing and identifying new heritage and archaeological assets;

            c) conserving and enhancing the significance of heritage assets, their setting and the wider
            historic environment, including...locally listed buildings of architectural or historic interest,
            conservation areas...and archaeological sites.

            d) protecting heritage assets from development that is likely to adversely impact on the
            significance, integrity, character or appearance of an asset or its setting.

            DP saved policies: these include:-

            Policy ENV4

            This seeks to resist development which does not comply with its requirements.   These
            relate to the character, appearance and function of the Green Belt.

            Policy ENV11

            This resists residential development in the Green Belt except in the specific case of a
            dwelling for an agricultural worker.

            Policy ENV22

            This states that “The Council will protect the individual quality and character of and
            promote access to areas of heritage land as indicated on the Proposals Map”.

            5.29 Heritage land comprises primarily open areas of land of particular strategic importance
            to London, being a combination of areas of nature conservation, high landscape quality and
            historic importance, often including opportunities for outdoor recreation. The quality and
            character of these areas are deserving of protection and enhancement, both for local
            residents and visitors.

            5.32  The Cray Valley [in which North Cray lies] is characterised by attractive valley
            landscape along the River Cray where networks of lanes, copses and rolling hills provide a
            good example of traditional Kent countryside...

            1.2 National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012)

            Section 9 focuses on Protecting Green Belt land.   Relevant paras. are:-
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