Page 110 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 110

111  “Planning policies and decisions should encourage the effective use of land by re-using
            land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high
            environmental value...”

            Annex 2: Glossary.  This defines a Heritage asset as “A building, monument, site, place,
            area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance....because of its heritage
            interest.  Heritage asset includes designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local
            planning authority (including local listing).

            1.3  Government statements
            Green Belt: protecting against inappropriate development

            “The government continues to attach great importance to safeguarding the green belt. The
            fundamental aim of green belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land
            permanently open; the essential characteristics of green belts are their openness and their

            1.4 Precedents set by past decisions of Bexley Planning and/or the Planning

             Applications refused:

            i  Orchard View Stables, Parsonage Lane: detached 3-bed bungalow (13/01826/FUL):
            Policies applied by Planning Inspector: CS17 & NPPF (para 89). Policies cited by Bexley:
            NPPF; London Plan Policy 7.16; Core Strategy Policy CS17; and saved UDP policies
            ENV39 and ENV4.

            ii  Orchard View Farm, 63 Parsonage Lane (15/00015/FUL): erection of three 4-bed
            detached dwellings & detached garages. Policies cited by Bexley: NPPF; London Plan
            Policy 7.16; and Core Strategy policies CS01, CS06 and CS17; and saved UDP policies
            ENV4, ENV11, ENV22 and ENV39.

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