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P. 113

                                         ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

             Minutes of Meeting held on I7 June 2015, 8pm in St James' Church, North Cray

            The  meeting  commenced  with  an  informal  gathering  of  68  members  before  the  formal  start  of  the

            Upon opening the meeting the Chairman, David Cook,  thanked everyone for coming, and said how
            pleased he was to see so many members here this evening. He then extended a special welcome to
            Father Peter Keown, the new Priest for All Saints and St James Church, and to Cllr Don Massey of the
            Cray  Meadows Ward, Cabinet Member for  Finance  & Corporate Services, and added that our  MP,
            James Brokenshire, planned to attend later, if his Parliamentary duties allowed.

            1.   APOLOGIES

                 Apologies  had  been  received  from  Mick  Doughty,  Tony  Morris,  Tanya  and  Malcolm  Barr
                 Hamilton, and Carol and Paul Johnson.

            2    MINUTES OF THE LAST AGM (1 July 2014)

                 These (which had been distributed) were taken as read, and agreed as an accurate record. Their
                 adoption was proposed by Mario Farrugia and seconded by Nik Carter.

            3.   HON. TREASURER'S REPORT

                 In presenting his Accounts (which had also been distributed) the Treasurer, Geoff Waldmeyer,
                 outlined their content and said that the Association's financial situation (£4,303.82) remained in
                 good  shape. Our membership now stood at 360 households (a slight increase on the previous
                 year), with subscriptions bringing in £720. Our main expenditure was on the Newsletter and the
                 AGM.  He added that the Committee would welcome ideas on how some of the balance of funds
                 might be used.

                 No questions were were forthcoming and adoption of the accounts was proposed by Rupert Brun,
                 seconded by Jan Brun,  and agreed.


            4.1  David Cook began by reporting to the meeting  that our President, John Harrington, had been
                 unable to attend this time, probably the only time in upwards of 50 years. John had become ill
                 whilst staying with his son in Germany, and was in hospital.  We are in contact with his daughter
                 and, through her, will be passing on 'get well' wishes to him from us all.

            4.2  Before  beginning  his  Review  of  the  past  year,  David  said  that  he  thought  he  should  remind
                 everyone of the primary aim of the Association, which is the protection of North Cray for the
                 overall  benefit  of  its  residents  –  most  specifically  in  relation  to  unwanted  and  harmful
                 development and most particularly for the protection of North Cray's Green Belt.  We are just a
                 group of volunteer members who feel strongly about protecting our environment. David added
                 that he was saying this because we do receive requests that fall outside our remit or are things

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