Page 115 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 115

The Inspector's decision is still awaited, but the Committee were shocked at the behaviour of one
                 or both of the applicants  who, without any permission, closed the road in both directions on two
                 Saturdays whilst two large mobile home sections were delivered on a transporter lorry. These
                 were too large for the Lane to take – especially the second delivery- which carved sections out of
                 the banks on either side of the lane and caused destruction to trees.  More pertinently, trees not
                 belonging to the owners of Little Acre and Little Haven were chain-sawed out of the way in total
                 disregard for the law and other peoples' property. Although the homes were delivered to Little
                 Acre we understand they were then transferred across to the Little Haven site.  All this, of course,
                 in advance of the Inspector's ruling!  David added that he had managed to get down to the site
                 and  photographed  and  videod  the  chain-sawing  activity  –  copies  of  which  were  provided  to
                 Planning.  The Inspectorate was uninterested and could/would not pass this information to the

            4.5  Groupmail Service:  Reminding the meeting that the Association had launched this service in
                 the  autumn,  David  said  that  many  members  had  already  joined-up  by  providing  their  email
                 address. The purpose of the Service is that the Committee often needed members' help in fighting
                 a specific cause, when it needed local residents to make individual submissions – particularly on
                 Planning issues-  as a letter from the Association counts as a single letter and will not ensure that
                 a case  goes before the full Planning Committee. David added that the Groupmail service had
                 already proved a fantastic success – currently covering about one third of  our members- but we
                 needed more members to join so that we can create a groundswell of local opinion and pressure
                 when really important issues arise.  Moreover, this was a fantastically efficient way of us getting
                 urgent information to members when needed, including passing on crime prevention information
                 that  has  been  provided  to  us  by  the  Police.    David  urged  that  those  present,  if  they  had  not
                 already  done  so,  to  please  submit  their  email  details  via  our  website  –  and  to  urge  their
                 neighbours to do the same.

            4.6  Ongoing need for Volunteers: David informed the meeting that in several roads we still had no
                 Volunteers willing to collect subscriptions and deliver our annual Newsletter. These were upper
                 North Cray Road, Honeyden Road, Maidstone Road and High Beeches.  The task in these roads
                 was  currently  being  undertaken  by  the  secretary  and  other  committee  members  in  addition  to
                 their other responsibilities – and Volunteers here would be very welcome!

                 Regarding the Volunteers we did have – including the new ones who came forward last year to
                 look after part of The Grove and Gattons Way – Christine Moon and Chris Moon- David said
                 that we cannot thank them enough for their support. The help they give is invaluable!  Thank
                 you.  He added at this point a thank you to all the members of the Committee for the efforts they
                 have put in over the year- in particular to Jean Gammons who works tirelessly on all our  behalfs.

            4.7  Using NCRA Funds: David said that it was always important that the Association maintains a
                 small fighting fund to allow it to start to take or seek representation and or legal advice should
                 any serious issue arise. He reminded the meeting that at last year's AGM (and in the subsequent
                 Newsletter) that with funds of around £4,000 the Committee thought it would be a good idea if
                 some of that fund were to be used now for the benefit of the community. It did put a few ideas
                 forward but asked members to come forward with their own ideas. Sadly, no suggestions were

                 So, having thought further, the Committee believes that we should start by arranging something
                 that would be of local interest and would bring the community together. An idea it had would be
                 to arrange locally themed audio-visual presentations (serious and amusing) that would be of local
                 interest and would bring the community together. Perhaps a presentation by a local community

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