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group,  eg  the  Lamorbey  &  Sidcup  History  Society  or  the  Friends  of  Footscray  Meadows
                 followed by a buffet with wine/soft drinks – say at the White Cross. David asked that members
                 let the Committee know what they think.

            4.8  Waste4Fuel  (Cornwall  Drive,  Crittalls  Corner):    David  said  that  as  those  present  might  have
                 heard, agreement has been reached for this recycling site to be cleared by the end of the year.
                 This success has been as a result of the efforts of Bob Neil, MP for Bromley & Chislehurst, and
                 our own James Brokenshire by putting pressure on the Environmental Agency.

            4.9  Subscription for the year 2015-2016:  in closing his Review of the year, David said that this
                 year the Committee were not proposing any change to the current subscription (£2). The meeting
                 indicated its agreement with this.


                 David reported that all existing Officers and Committee members were willing to stand for the
                 coming year, and no new nominations had been received for any of the posts.  He was, therefore,
                 seeking  the  meeting's  agreement  for  the  block  re-election  of  existing  Officers  and  other
                 Committee members.

                 The re-election of the Officers was proposed by Nik Carter, seconded by Gerald Cliffden [?], and
                 agreed.    Re-election  of  the  remaining  Committee  members  was  proposed  by  Trevor  Jones,
                 seconded by Mario Farrugia, and agreed.

                 The newly-elected Committee for 2015-2016 was as follows:

                 John Harrington:     President & Committee Member
                 David Cook:            Chairman
                 Jean Gammons:       Hon. Secretary
                 Geoff Waldmeyer:   Hon. Treasurer
                 Jan Brun
                 Rupert Brun
                 Jacky Cook
                 Mick Doughty
                 Michael Heath
                 Irene Waldmeyer

                 Examiner of Accounts: Michael Heath.

            6    CURRENT ISSUES

                 David further reported on the following several issues of concern:-

            6.1  Sale of Open Spaces: he said that those present would all be aware of Bexley's potential plan to
                 sell  off  open  spaces  throughout  the  borough,  an  issue  that  had  received  fairly  widespread
                 condemnation in the local press and from concerned conservation groups.

                 The Committee had been dismayed to find, on publication of Bexley's list of 27 sites that it was
                 proposing to sell, that two of them were in North Cray: one being a grass verge in The Grove, the

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