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P. 123

Proposed housing development at Orchard View Farm, 63 Parsonage Lane - Update

        24 March 2015

        To NCRA Members.

        Further to our groupmail dated 28 January we can now advise that the proposed application for
        three, four-bedroomed detached houses with detached garages has been refused.

        The reason given is that the proposed redevelopment of the site is considered to be an
        inappropriate development which is by definition harmful to the Green Belt.

        There were considered to be no exceptional circumstances to support the proposal because the
        development would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of
        including land within it than the existing development. This is contrary to the provisions of the :

           National Planning Policy Framework,
          The requirements of the London Plan Policy 7.16,
          The Core Strategy Policies CS01, CS06 and CS17
          The Policies ENV4, ENV11, ENV22 and ENV39 of the Unitary Development Plan (2004).
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