Page 125 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 125

               TO: Planning Support Team, London Borough of Bromley

               14/04870/FULL1 Land opposite Econ House, Old Maidstone Road, Sidcup: use of land
               as a waste transfer station and recycling facility

               This is to register our Association's strong Objection to the above application.

               Our reasons are as follows:-

               - the site is in Green Belt land, surrounded by open land, and we regard the proposed activity,
               the erection of a facilitative building, associated plant and a site office as an inappropriate
               development on such land, with no Very Special Circumstances.

               - the coming and going of up to ten lorries transporting materials to and from the site is
               unacceptable because of the impact these vehicular movements would have on Old Maidstone
               Road and the highway between Ruxley and Swanley (B2173).

               - the  waste to be processed will include asbestos.

               - any fires at the proposed recycling site are likely to generate noxious asbestos fumes that
               would seriously affect our members, particularly those living in Maidstone Road, North Cray
               Road, Barton Road and Honeyden Road.

               - such fumes would also have an impact on the farmland at Honeydale Farm and its land
               further down the B2173, where fruit is grown.  Notably, on its soil.

               - we are mindful of the appalling situation created by Waste4Fuel's recycling operation at
               Cornwall Drive, near Critals Corner. Our members are suffering enough from the smoke,
               fumes and traffic congestion resulting from this recycling operation and the apparent inability
               on the part of  Bromley Council, or the Environmental Agency, to properly supervise it. We
               do not want another recycling activity of the kind proposed for Old Maidstone Road – one
               that, this time, will also be recycling asbestos material.

               Yours sincerely

               Jean Gammons
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