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P. 132

Date: 26 February 2015 at 11:00

        Subject : Cray Meadows - Inconsiderate Dog Owners

        Dear all,

        The Cray Meadows Local Policing Team have recently been receiving reports regarding the inconsiderate and
        irresponsible behaviour of certain dogs/owners who use Foots Cray Meadows.

        In response to these reports I would like to advise that I am currently engaging with a Wildlife Officer from Sutton
        Police Safer Partnership, in connection with the "LEAD Initiative" . This initiative is aimed at irresponsible dog owners
        regardless of breed or social background. This initiative works through engagement, intervention, prevention and
        where needed, the enforcement of irresponsible dog owners. I will be asking a member of the "lead team" to visit
        our offices as soon as possible to discuss how this can help.

        As part of this initiative I will be seeking permission from Bexley Council to erect new signage at the location and
        "Coming To Notice Letters" will now be sent to owners of dogs if they come to our notice. We will also take action by
        way of control orders, and advising the Registered Social Landlords of the owners addresses where appropriate.

        I am also liaising with a representative from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in London. I hope to run a joint Community
        Engagement Event aimed at encouraging dog owners to be more responsible. Free microchips will be provided,
        along with ID tags and advice to members of the public. This will be a good opportunity to remind owners about
        their responsibilities for their dogs around wildlife as well as helping owners to fulfil their legal obligations by having
        their dogs microchipped by 2016 and having a tag (which is already law).

        In the meantime your Local Policing Team will endeavour to provide additional patrols in the area and engage with
        and advise dog owners accordingly. I have also requested that the mobile park wardens employed by Bexley Council,
        pay particular attention to the area around Five Arches Bridge and report or deal with any incidents accordingly.

        As regards community involvement in this issue I would like to ask that if you are a witness to, or are a victim of any
        of such behaviour in the future that you report this to the police, as this will enable officers to investigate any
        offences and take action(s) as appropriate.

        I will keep you up to date of any further developments.


        PC 427 Lorraine Pinkerton
        Cray Meadows Safer Neighbourhood Team
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