Page 133 - Archive in reverse date order
P. 133

Date: 25 February 2015 at 10:42

        Dear member

        Some of you have, I know, been worried about recent rumours about Bexley's intentions regarding possibly selling
        off parks and open spaces to reduce its maintenance costs in order to balance its books over the next few
        years.  Some of these rumours have been quite worrying, eg the one that Bexley was to sell off part of Danson Park!

        Bexley did, in fact, issue a Public Consultation late last year on its proposals about what might be done to reduce its
        maintenance costs and balance its books. This consultation closed on 9 January.

        The present position is that following a meeting last week of its Places Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Bexley
        published a list of the 27 sites they had in mind for possible disposal.  This list excludes any parks but does include
        open spaces and highway land, including for North Cray:-

        - 17. Land adjacent to 95 The Grove, Bexley (Highway)  I think they mean Sidcup

        - 18. Land at St James and North Cray Road, Sidcup (Highway)

        Bexley posted this information on its website on 20 February, indicating that no decision has so far been taken on
        whether any of these sites will be sold, and promising that there will be further public consultation before any
        decision is taken.

        We will continue to watch out for further news and keep you informed.

        Jean Gammons
        North Cray Residents Association
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