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     31 July 2015

     To NCRA Members.
     Bexley Wildlife have published the following information on 'Saving Open Spaces' :

     The London Parks Green Spaces Forum has just uploaded three documents to help you protect your local parks and green spaces.
     *How to run a successful community campaign to save your open space
     * Planning toolkit for London’s parks and green infrastructure
     * Friends of Groups and case studies: Approaching your green space campaign
     Please this link to the website where you can view and download:
     Documents 1 & 2 have hyperlinks for supporting information / contacts.
     If you have any suggestions for improvement/errors or omissions please let us know.
     Kind regards, Tony Leach
     Chief Executive, London Parks Green Spaces Forum
     020 7983 4495 | 07941 069351 |

       Please address any reply to

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