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     8 July 2015

     Dear member
      Further proposed housing development at Orchard View Farm, 63 Parsonage Lane
      I am sorry to have to appeal to you yet again for your support of the Association's efforts to save from development the Green Belt and Heritage Land in upper
     Parsonage Lane that adjoins the bridle path leading to Joyden and Chalk Woods.  This is not just a concern local to Parsonage Lane but is one about the threat to
     other areas of North Cray's precious Green Belt since the applicant's success here would set a dangerous precedent for similar  vulnerable sites elsewhere in North
     Cray, eg at Manor Farm, North Cray Riding School etc.    Once any part of our Green Belt is lost to development, it is lost forever.
      To update you regarding our previous appeal for your support in respect of Orchard View Farm (Groupmail dated 28 January 2015), the application to build three
     houses there, with detached garages, proved unsuccessful.  The latest situation, however, is that the applicant has appealed against Bexley's refusal of planning
     permission and the matter will now be decided by the Planning Inspectorate.
      The newest threat at Orchard View Farm is an application to build a large 2-storey house with a detached garage.  Our letter to Planning setting out our arguments
     against this is attached, together with extracts from the various Policies that are intended to protect Green Belt and Heritage Land.
      If this application is allowed by Bexley,  and if the Planning Inspectorate decide to permit the building of  another three houses at Orchard View Farm  (making a total
     of four houses)  this would result in a significant multi-properties housing development on this site- one that would change the character of upper Parsonage Lane
     and be a major loss of our Green Belt to housing development.
      If you are willing to support us by sending your own letter of objection it would be more effective if, rather than just saying that you support what the Association says
     in its latest letter, you could possibly send an individually constructed letter – picking up say one or more of the points we have raised.  This would carry much more
     weight with Planning!
      The closing date for comments (quoting ref 15/01453/FUL) is 16 July 2015.
      If by email, your letter should be addressed to:
      -with a copy please to:
      If by Post, it should be addressed to Mrs H Acton, Environment & Wellbeing, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 7AT.

     Hoping very much that you will support us,

     Jean Gammons
     Secretary NCRA

       Please address any reply to

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