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P. 97


     23 July 2015

     To NCRA Members.
     We have now received the outcome of the appeal regarding the establishment of a private Gypsy Pitch at Little Acre Farm, land adjacent to Bunker House.
     Briefly the results are :

     The appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted on a temporary basis for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for one gypsy
     pitch together with the formation of additional hardstanding and ancillary utility/dayroom in accordance with the terms of the application and subject to

     Reasons given by the Inspector for granting approval
     The proposal would make a positive contribution to meeting the need for gypsy sites in Bexley and would meet the immediate accommodation needs of
     the appellant in an accessible location.
     The proposal would result in only a moderate loss of openness and little adverse effect on Heritage Land.  Even so substantial weight must be given to
     the policy harm from inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
     On a temporary basis, the provision of a settled base for the appellant and his family having regard to their present conditions, the lack of suitable
     alternative sites and the use of previously developed land create a set of circumstances which  clearly outweighs the totality of the harm.

     Having undertaken the Green Belt balance, when the planning permission is limited to meeting the personal accommodation needs of the appellant and
     to a temporary period, then very special circumstances exist.  On this basis there would be no conflict with national guidance or with the objectives of the
     development plan
     Conditions required to be met  before residential use is allowed.
     1.     Occupation should be limited to a gypsy family.
     2.     To minimise impact on openness the permission should be restricted to one mobile home and one touring caravan.
     3.     The siting of the mobile home and utility room should be as shown on the plans.
     4.     There should be no commercial activity
     5.     No non-residential use of the utility/dayroom
     6.     Further approval of drainage and lighting schemes is required.

     7.     Removal of the existing four containers on the site that are being traded in.
     8.     The recommendations of the ecology report submitted with the application should be followed and where appropriate carried out.

     To read the full details, please select the following link to the Inspectorate's web site.

       Please address any reply to

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