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P. 98


     20 July 2015

     To NCRA Members.
     Bexley Wildlife are drawing our attention to Bexley's decision due to be taken in the very near future possibly to sell off some sites including Old Farm Park.
     ‘Technical evaluations’ of five of the sites slated for potential sell-off have been completed and reports are now going to be presented to the Cabinet meeting this Tuesday (July
     21st). The meeting  starts at 7.30p.m. at the Council Offices, and it would be good if campaigners can help keep up the pressure by attending, though the open spaces part is
     some way down the agenda .
     Those five sites are
     • Old Farm Park (Eastern part)
     • Old Manor Way Playground
     • West Street small park
     •  Wilde Rd East
     • Wilde Rd West.
     To read the full article on Bexley Wildlife's web site, select the following link :

       Please address any reply to

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