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P. 101

        TO: Mrs Helen Acton, Development Control, London Borough of Bexley

        FROM: Mrs Jean Gammons, Hon Secretary

        Dear Mrs Acton                                                                                 DATE:  7 July 2015

        15/01453/FUL Orchard View Farm: removal of mobile home and replacement by a 4 bedroom
        detached chalet bungalow and double detached garage.

        1. This is to register our strong OBJECTION to the above application.  We regard the building of a
        large detached two-storey house and a double detached garage on this site as an inappropriate
        development in Green Belt and Heritage Land.  A new 2-storey building which, with its mass and
        height, would have a greater adverse impact upon openness than the mobile home which it is
        intended to replace. Nor is the proposed new house a re-use of an existing building. Nor is its size
        and design in keeping with neighbouring (Locally Listed) dwellings.

        2. The site is in a relatively unspoilt area of Green Belt and Heritage Land, and the building of a
        large house with a double detached garage would significantly change its character from a rural one
        to one of a suburban nature.  Also, the site is on land classified as “agricultural”.  There is no
        precedent for it to be developed for residential use, and we certainly do not see the presence of
        boarding kennels etc on this agricultural Green Belt/Heritage Land as a very special circumstance to
        justify developing it for residential use.  In fact, we see no very special circumstances that would
        justify breaching the policies that are intended to protect Green Belt and Heritage Land. Notably,
        policies CS01 (g); CS06 (e); CS09 (a);  CS17 (a) and (c) and 4.8.10; CS19 (c) and (d); ENV4;
        ENV11; ENV22, 5.29 and 5.32; and the NPPF paras 79-80, 87-90, 111 and Annex 2 Glossary.

        Please also see also attached annex summarising key extracts from these policies.

        3. We are also concerned about the estimated additional vehicular movements a day along
        Parsonage Lane and Cocksure Lane (narrow country lanes with no pavements) that would result
        from this proposed development- especially bearing in mind our comments in para 4 below. This is
        especially relevant in upper Parsonage Lane as the application site lies alongside a bridle path used
        for leisure purposes by riders and walkers.  The applicant's argument that such a development could
        lead to the “refurbishment of the current industrial and/or boarding kennel business” is seen as a
        fatuous, meaningless statement without foundation- and it creates no “special circumstances”.
        Moreover, it is one unhelpful to local residents, and those who visit this area for recreational
        purposes, as the proposed development would result in even more vehicular traffic!

        4. We also feel very strongly that this fresh application should be considered together with the
        applicant's previous wish to erect three 4-bedroom detached houses with detached garages on
        another part of the site (ref 15/00015/FUL).  This application was rejected (see decision letter dated
        24 March 2015) but we note that the applicant  has now appealed against this decision.
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